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Therapy, rehab can help a juvenile drug offender

On Behalf of | Mar 30, 2021 | Juvenile offenses |

You knew your teenage son had a drug addiction problem, and it continued to escalate. Now, you wished that you and your spouse had intervened a lot sooner. His recent arrest on a burglary charge stemming from the break-in of a neighborhood business netted only a pittance of money, but also an arrest and criminal charges. You need to get him help pronto.

It is critical to get your son back on track with his life. The steps you and he take will not only help him on the personal level but from a legal perspective as well. Your son must take the necessary steps toward resolution. Options may include enrolling in a rehabilitation program as well as regular sessions with a therapist. These remain strong and good options. Remember, though, that you likely will meet with some amount of resistance from your child.

Critical steps toward life improvements

Your son needs to heal, but you and he also must face reality. Misdemeanor and felony criminal charges are serious. They can lead to incarceration, probation, fines, restitution and a permanent blight on his record.

Before your son’s case enters court, here are some steps to take that may allow him and your family to heal as well as make a certain impression upon the judge.

  • Sign up your son for a drug awareness program. A basic overview and education about the short- and long-term effects of drugs on a person’s health and life can be an eye-opening experience. Seeing this, a court may have a positive view in that progress has begun.
  • Promptly enroll in a drug rehabilitation program. This is a step that likely will meet the most resistance from your son. However, he should take it. Counseling, working with therapists and exchanging stories with similar addicts will help toward recovery.

By making a strong effort to improve his life, your son is on the road to rehabilitation. He may feel better about himself and understand that the past choices he made should be left in the rearview mirror. The courts, too, will look upon this favorably. And remember, those sessions can help you, too.