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Washington teen facing criminal charges for accident

On Behalf of | Sep 30, 2021 | Criminal Defense |

Police in Washington recently arrested a 15-year-old girl for her alleged involvement in a hit-and-run accident. She is currently charged with both a felony hit and run as well as second degree murder. Authorities expect that she will likely be tried as a juvenile offender, although there is a chance that she could face these criminal charges as an adult if a judge decides that she meets certain criteria. Facing charges as a juvenile is still quite serious though, and may have ramifications including:

  • Juvenile detention
  • Fines
  • Emotional trauma

A deadly accident

The young teen was arrested back on Sept. 10 for a hit-and-run accident that occurred on July 18. Police say that a 53-year-old man was jogging around his neighborhood when they believe the girl may have struck him with a vehicle and continued driving. He later died from related injuries.

However, police are also investigating a second hit-and-run accident that they believe the teen girl might have also been involved in. This incident apparently occurred the day before, on July 17. Authorities have not revealed many details other than that the victim was also a man who was struck by a similar vehicle, and also died from his injuries. Police do not believe that they have enough evidence to charge the girl for the additional crime.

The teenage years can be difficult and confusing in even the best of circumstances. When a Washington teen ends up facing criminal charges, things tend to get a lot more complicated. Parents who are eager to minimize the potential legal consequences for their teens may want to prioritize finding the right guidance through this process.