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Addressing juvenile drug possession charges

On Behalf of | Nov 1, 2022 | Juvenile offenses |

It might not be uncommon for many teenagers to feel somewhat adventurous at times and wish to try out new things. While this desire could simply lead to a change in hobbies or extracurricular activities, sometimes outside influences could promote behaviors that might not align with a youth’s interests. Should the experiences of a youthful individual lead to drug possession charges, parents in Washington may have questions about the possible consequences involved and the steps to take to protect the future of their kids. 

Drug possession 

Studies indicate that drug possession remains a prevalent issue among youthful individuals. Experts state that some of the most common types of drugs a youth might be found in possession of may include anything from marijuana to Adderall or Xanax. However, youths could also face legal concerns if they are found in possession of prescription medications if the name on the label belongs to someone else. 

A conviction for drug possession charges carries serious penalties and the severity thereof may vary depending on the variables involved. For instance, the classification of the substance and the amount in one’s possession are two factors that may have a significant impact on the situation. The presence of a history of drug-related offenses could also affect one’s options and the severity of the penalties for a conviction. 

Knowing what is at stake 

There are many scenarios in which a youthful individual might face drug possession charges and parents might not want to let a moment of indiscretion take a lingering toll on their child’s life. When similar issues arise, a parent in Washington might consider speaking with an attorney for advice on what is at stake and how best to approach the situation. An attorney can address all a client’s questions and concerns, provide insight into all the available options, and assist in preparing a strategy to seek the best outcome achievable regarding his or her child via the proper methods.