Helping You Protect Your Future

Photo of attorneys Muth, Ciecko, Atwood and Findley around a conference table

Effective Defense Attorneys For Domestic Assault Charges

Are you facing serious felony domestic battery or domestic assault criminal charges in King County?

During their many years of experience of successfully advocating for domestic violence defendants, Seattle criminal defense lawyers Amy Muth and Jennifer Atwood are well aware of how a falsely accused person’s rights can get lost in the shuffle of the legal process. They safeguard those interests throughout the entire legal process.

How We Handle Domestic Violence Charges

Our attorneys will listen carefully as you describe circumstances that led to your arrest for domestic assault or violating a protective order. We will gather specifics of your case and bring them to prosecutors for skillful negotiation, working hard to win a reduction of charges or outright dismissal. Our firm works hard to suppress evidence that could reflect poorly on you and litigates forcefully in court on your behalf if necessary.

You need this kind of advocacy behind you if you are to have any chance of avoiding a number of life-changing punishments, if convicted: jail time, heavy fines and a criminal record, just to name a few. You could also lose the right to own a firearm, visit your child after a divorce or stay in the country if your immigration status is questioned.

At the Muth Atwood, PLLC, in Seattle, our lawyers are recognized leaders in criminal defense in the region.

Schedule A Consultation With An Experienced Defense Attorney

The Muth Atwood, PLLC, offers the help you need when you need it most. For an initial consultation, call 866-235-0030 or complete the brief online form.