As of November 1, 2023, most juveniles will no longer have to register as a sex offender and be eligible to seal their convictions. Law enforcement will start removing eligible people from the registry soon and mailing letters confirming they have been removed. If you receive a letter indicating that you have been removed from the registry, please contact our office for a free consultation to determine if you are eligible to seal your offense.

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Altercation at football stadium leads to juvenile charges

On Behalf of | Aug 30, 2022 | Juvenile offenses |

There may be many teenagers in Washington and elsewhere who take pride in their school’s sports programs, and it might not be uncommon for rivalries to exist between competing schools. In some cases, these rivalries may become somewhat heated in nature, and should a situation develop into a physical altercation, the results could prove disastrous. There may be numerous parents who are in search of advice after a fight at a football game in another state has left multiple teenagers facing juvenile charges. 

Physical altercation 

According to reports, law enforcement agents were called out to a football stadium after receiving reports of an altercation on a recent Friday evening. They advised that the incident began when two teens became engaged in a fight at the stadium. Authorities advised that the altercation soon grew out of control and involved up to 100 people altogether, some of whom were adults. 

While juvenile violence can take a dire toll on everyone involved, sometimes it could take little more than a heated verbal spat to spark a hazardous situation. Teens who are involved in physical altercations might not always fully grasp the possible ramifications of their decisions and the fallout of the situation could have a lingering impact on their lives. Parents who wish to safeguard the future of their children may have questions about their available options, but they might not always know where to turn. 

Knowing where to turn 

Parents who wish to know more about their options and the next steps to take when their kids face juvenile charges could benefit from speaking with an attorney as soon as possible. An attorney who understands what is at stake can help a client carefully evaluate the situation and determine the best course of action with which to proceed. Such advice could help place a parent in Washington in a better position in which to create a strategy to seek the best outcome achievable regarding the future of his or her child.